Wells-Barkerville Community Forest

A small forest with big returns

The Wells-Barkerville Community Forest is just north of the community of Wells, about 100 kilometres east of the city of Quesnel, in central British Columbia.

It is managed by the community of Wells to create revenue from timber harvesting, to maintain habitat for the endangered mountain caribou and at-risk grizzly bear, wolverine and fisher, for education and research, and for forest recreation.

The southern boundary is along the Willow River less than 500 meters north of the community and the forest extends nearly nine kilometers north to include Cornish and Hardscrabble Mountains and the high southern slope of Two Sisters Mountain.

The community began setting goals for a community forest in the 1990s. Nearly 20 years of community discussion and negotiation with the provincial government followed. The forest was finally established in 2014 under the terms of a 25 year Community Forest Agreement with the Province.

The community continues to direct the management of the forest. Over time, as circumstances change, as experience is gained and as new information becomes available, the emphasis given to some of the goals may change and more detail is added. In 2015 and again in 2019 community meetings reviewed and added greater detail to its forest management priorities.


Objectives & Operations




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Caribou, Moose and Predator Research - This summer UNBC graduate student and researcher Jake Bradshaw has continued his research on the interaction of caribou, moose and… ...
Boardwalk Planned - A boardwalk from the north end of Wells directly into the community forest could soon be a reality. Wells-Barkerville Community… ...
Winter Logging 2020/2021 - The current plan is to salvage the blowdown that happened last fall. This includes some single trees and a small… ...
Expansion Meeting July 21, 2020 - Community Forest Directors Rod Graham and Ian Macdonald had their third meeting of the year with Quesnel Natural Resource District… ...
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Contact Us

    If you have a question, feedback or are interested in a forest opportunity, contact us using the form or reach out to one of our directors: Ian MacDonald, Jenn Lewis, Tony Bensted or Darryl Koekemoer