Caribou, Moose and Predator Research

This summer UNBC graduate student and researcher Jake Bradshaw has continued his research on the interaction of caribou, moose and predators in and near the community forest. Three types of forest: clearcuts, small logged patches and unlogged forest are being studied to identify their use by caribou, moose, bear and wolves the differences in moose and bear forage This summer …

Boardwalk Planned

A boardwalk from the north end of Wells directly into the community forest could soon be a reality. Wells-Barkerville Community Forest and Wells and Area Trails Society hope to begin construction of the boardwalk this fall. The first phase of the boardwalk will extend from Dawson Street due north to the Willow River, and a second phase will include a …

Winter Logging 2020/2021

The current plan is to salvage the blowdown that happened last fall. This includes some single trees and a small patch (Blk 13) at the back end of Downey Creek, adjacent to the two blocks that were logged where the new ski trails connects with the road. Then move to the Learning Forest for a partial cut there (Blk 14), …

Expansion Meeting July 21, 2020

Community Forest Directors Rod Graham and Ian Macdonald had their third meeting of the year with Quesnel Natural Resource District officials to discuss the process for expanding Wells-Barkerville Community Forest.  The officials confirmed the community forest could be invited to apply for an expansion. The community forest currently has an allowable annual cut of 5,000 cubic meters and the officials …

Meeting of Cariboo Region Community Forests

December 2, 2019 – A December 2 meeting in Williams Lake of Cariboo Region community forest representatives exchanged ideas and concerns including forest stewardship plans, log markets, cut control and old growth management. Director Paul Galliazzo represented the Wells-Barkerville Community Forest. He later said this was the first regional meeting of community forests but participants agreed it would be worthwhile to meet regularly, with …

Expanded Community Forests Made Possible in the North Cariboo

November 13, 2019 – On November 13 the provincial government announced it is making more timber available for community forests in the Quesnel Timber Supply Area, stretching from Eliguk Lake in the west to the Matthew River valley in the east. The announcement makes an expansion of the Wells-Barkerville Community Forest, as well as the creation of new community forests, …

Wells-Barkerville Community Forest Open House

Oct 6 2019 – An October 6 2019 Community Forest Open House in the Wells Legion was attended by two dozen community members who provided valuable input to planning future activities. The Open House was hosted jointly by the Community Forest and the University of Northern BC, and in one-on-one conversations and in small group discussions, UNBC students noted the …

UNBC Field Trip to Wells-Barkerville Community Forest

October 5-6, 2019 – On October 5 and 6 the community forest hosted a field trip of students from the University of Northern BC (UNBC). The fourth year conservation studies class of 15 students were accompanied by graduate student Chris Morgan and professor Dr. Pamela Wright. After a brief orientation meeting early Saturday afternoon the students travelled by vehicle to …